of 1958 Holiday Luncheon
December 2nd, Elaine L'Heureux held a class of 1958
luncheon at her home for as many local classmates
as she could reach. This was the continuation of the
hurricane Faye party for Jim Butler. He was able to
get his vehicle here this time, whereas last time
it would have required a boat to get here. In fact,
twenty of us did attend the delightful event. A great
time was had by all of us, which includied rides in
Bill Burton's antique auto as pictured herein. Of
course, the laughs and stories continued all afternoon,
and, we called Larry Cowart to see how he was doing
in his recovery from his auto accident. (He is doing
well, but mighty tired of his halo headwear.) We did
manage to capture a team photo of attendees for your
viewing. We all pledged to try to continue these events
in the future; we welcome your suggestions, participation
, and hosting a group outing too. Happy holidays to
all, Bill Cross